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As someone I know was interested in getting a new (old) laptop, I did some trawling of the intertubes, and saw that there were quite a few IBM Thinkpad’s in nice condition available on Taobao.

After checking away the requirements (one of which was not to go down in resolution to the crap they sell nowadays), I decided on a T6x series.

A T60 with a 1400×1050 screen was about RMB2500 on Taobao with fairly decent spec’s – DVD Writer, Bluetooth, Fingerprint Reader, SATA, Extended Battery. 3 month warranty, with a replacement 7 day swap for another unit. I sent my staff to go take a look at the shop, they liked, and I was soon the owner of an ex-corporate laptop that looked like it came from Singapore originally (according to the model / software licence sticker on the laptop). It even came with a legitimate licenced copy of Windows.

As I had ordered one for test purposes to see what the quality was like, I was pleasantly suprised. The one I received is pretty much in mint condition. In fact its in such good condition, that I decided I would keep it for myself!

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